At Gen Z Locksmiths, our mission is to have the most sophisticated Locksmithing company in North America. Aiming to challenge the status quo by ethically providing the best locksmithing services, at the most affordable prices. Working to achieve a place where blue collar workers are treated with fair wages, lucrative incentive packages and most importantly respect where workers are measured by merit above all else.
We leverage the next-generations wisdom and technical expertise to develop mathematical modeling in order to overcome age old barriers. Applying modern marketing practices and implementing feedback data gathered across the fulfillment of our services. By treating a service based business like a tech business, we are able to capture massive market share in little to no time.
Locksmiths are charged massive amounts of money just to get you to call them. Here's how it works.
The money goes to advertisers to compensate them for potential customers that either click or call on advertisements.
Advertisers track phone calls made by customers that clicked on an advertisement, where Artificial Intelligence(AI) listens in on the call.
The AI listens for locksmiths to give quotes, speak about services, or make a booking in order to charge them big fees for becoming a lead.
That means that you calling for a quote costs locksmiths anywhere from $30-$100, even if you don't go with them.
This drives prices for services through the roof, forcing locksmiths to "Low Ball" and haggle in order stay in business.
Search Precautions
When shopping around for prices, avoid clicking on call buttons. Make phone calls directly on keypads or use separate devices.
This makes it cheaper to serve you.
Attempt to make calls through websites. Clicks on websites are much cheaper for businesses over calling. This will allow to learn more about the business and get you cheaper services.
Stop Inflation Cycle
Make it clear to the locksmith that you intentionally avoided advertisements in hopes of cheaper services. They will likely reward you with transparency, good pricing, and appreciation.